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How can a Travel Management Company (TMC) Help Businesses Reduce Their Carbon Footprint and Implement a Sustainable Travel Policy?

travel management

Carbon emissions are a leading cause of climate change, and the pressing need to reduce carbon emissions is a major focus area of the business travel industry. Studies have found that business travel accounts for over 25 per centof a company’s footprint, therefore it is imperative organisations look at ways to reduce this.

The increasing demand for environmental controls on business travel compels companies to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.This is where the services of a Travel Management Company (TMC) may come into play.

TMCs partner with offsetting organisations:

As a part of the wider sustainable travel initiative in the business travel industry, some TMCs are working with offsetting organisations to promote sustainable corporate travel with less environmental impact.

Encouraging clients to sign-up to an offsetting programme such as tree plantation and forest restoration, can help reduce their carbon footprint.

CT Business Travel – one of the UK’s leading travel management companies – recognises the importance of sustainable business travel and is partnered with Trees4Travel to assist clients who want to commit.

If the clients of CT Business Travel opt into the initiative, they will essentially plant trees as they travel, offsetting their carbon emissions, reducing their carbon footprint and enabling them to make more mindful travel decisions.

How can CT Business Travel help implement a sustainable travel policy?

By partnering with CT Business Travel, clients will benefit from their expert advice and recommendations surrounding green travel. They can provide realistic and achievable solutions to minimise carbon footprint and help in creating a sustainable travel policy that is feasible, flexible and cost effective.

Implementing a tailored green travel policy suited to business needs is a simple and effective way for organisations to start thinking about more sustainable travel and reducing carbon footprint.

Initial recommendations and advice CT Business Travel can offer clients includes:

  • Highlighting preferred ‘green’ travel partners including airlines, hotels and ground suppliers within the booking tool.
  • Switching to more sustainable travel alternatives where possible, e.g. travelling by rail rather than air, travelling economy class over business etc.
  • Measuring and reporting carbon footprint and implementing their offsetting programme powered by an external specialist.
  • Calculating and reporting CO2 emissions generated from travel enabling clients to make more informed travel decisions.
  • Engaging and educating travellers of informed decisions and personal considerations when travelling.

TAGS: travel management companies, travel management company

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